WARNING: Some products contain nicotine which is an addictive chemical.

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Vape Bar / E-Cigarette

E-Cigarette / Disposable Vape Pods

Vaping for the first time and not sure where to start? Discover our wide range of disposable e-cigarettes. Get a quality vaping experience with little effort. Each disposable pod is already filled with tasty e-juice, which has a pre-charged built-in battery, and does not need an instructions manual. Unlike complex vaping devices, which require a broader knowledge of coils, batteries, setups, replacement parts, or any other complex mechanism to make them work. No button, all you need to do is take a puff to activate the battery. It’s that simple. The device will begin to produce vapour, much like a cigarette.

These are perfect for people who are looking to quit smoking as they are simple and most cigarette-like, making the switch over to e-cigarettes easier. E-cigarettes are less harmful as they release less noxious gases and chemicals compared to regular cigarettes which contain tar. Tar accounts for most of the toxic substances that can cause health problems and increase the chances of lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke. E-cigarettes does not contain tar and

Vape Bar / E-Cigarette

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